PetChannel Team

Testimonials TCane Corso: PetChannel Team

TCane Corso was a grateful surprise for me and all Petchannel team. I am familiar with recording in different dog shelters, I can assure you there is not such a special place as TCane Corso. Not only its infrastructure is very well-equipped or their treatment to dogs stands, but mainly because everything there is done with so much care, love and, above all, respect towards animals.

The motto “making champions” could not be more right. So great champions! Every dog – no exceptions – is beautiful and outstanding, with a humor that envies: docile, playful and affable. This way they did not win me, but everyone was there. Now I understand what José Talarico meant by saying that “you will never forget the first time you meet a Cane Corso”. Indeed. I will never forget it!

In the name of Petchannel team, thanks a lot to TCane Corso team for their hospitality and for the opportunity to better know a bread as endearing as Cane Corso – specially your Cane Corso dogs.

Renata Sterea & Amora

Testimonials TCane Corso: Renata Sterea & Amora

It was a great pleasure to see the love that the team at TCane shows everyone.

Raising animals that are not only perfect, but safe and cherished as well!

Maria Eduarda & Antonieta

Testimonials TCane Corso: Maria Eduarda & Antonieta

It is with great pleasure that I submit my testimonial and, more importantly, my satisfaction with the TCane Corso kennel.

The kennel is marvelous. The dogs come from excellent lineages, many of them champions, and clearly, the puppies are not born much different. They also receive top quality treatment, with nice accommodations and contact with nature, and extremely well raised by the owner and staff.

I purchased my puppy Antonieta not too long ago, but I can say that it was love at first sight, not just for her, but for the entire litter! They were all so beautiful.

Everyone at home is in love with her, she is a sweet girl, very affectionate, a good companion despite being a puppy, and already imposes respect with her guard dog blood. She will be an excellent guardian of our home.

I register here my immense gratitude to everyone at the kennel, for their support and attention, and of course, for providing me the joy of being the owner of a cane corso.